How Important Is Landscape Maintenance During This Time of Year in Summit and Chatham, NJ?

How Important Is Landscape Maintenance During This Time of Year in Summit and Chatham, NJ?

Spring can be a critical time for landscape maintenance in your Summit and Chatham, NJ, property since every living thing is or soon will be growing at a rapid pace. Here are the important maintenance services that can help your property achieve peak beauty. 

Related: 4 Landscape Maintenance Tips That Landscape Companies Near Me Are Recommending This Spring in Mendham Township, NJ

Expert Pruning of Trees, Shrubs

After the cold, blustery winds and snow of winter, your trees and shrubs need some special care to look their best in the spring and summer seasons. Your landscapers can deploy proper pruning methods to rid your trees of the jagged edges left behind when branches break off under the weight of the snow and ice. The removal of the remaining branch with a clean cut can reduce the risk of disease and pests wreaking havoc on your beloved trees. 

Another reason for spring pruning can be to have your landscapers trim small branches from the trees and shrubs for a more pleasing shape when they begin growing and blooming. 

Avoiding Boxwood Blight

Boxwoods can make an exceptional foundation shrub as well as a beautiful hedge but they can be prone to boxwood blight, which is a fungal disease that can infect the above-ground portions of the shrub. What starts as leaf spots can become whole brown dead branches. This may require preventive maintenance in the spring to avoid allowing blight to ruin your lovely bushes. 

Your landscape specialists can also evaluate the boxwoods for any injury or problem that could lead to blight so that you don’t have to worry that your boxwoods will succumb to fungus. The right preventative treatment can keep them in pristine shape. 

Safety-First Maintenance

  • Electronic mowers: As a homeowner, you want your grounds maintenance service to show up when scheduled, but you don’t necessarily want to be accosted by loud mowing and leaf blowing. Your landscape maintenance service can offer electronic mowers as an option to get the job done without much noise and without harming the environment. 

  • Eco-friendly pest and weed treatment: By using green products, your maintenance service can keep your landscape free of pests and weeds without harming the environment and without harsh pesticides and chemicals. Their crew is prompt and meticulous, always going the extra mile for you. 

  • Seasonal landscape enhancements: With vibrant perennials, colorful annuals, spring bulbs, your landscape will never be without color or interest. Your property management service takes care of the flowers you love during each season so that you can fully enjoy the resulting beauty. 

  • Hardscapes: At the end of the wintertime, your patio, walkways, and driveway may need a good cleaning to remove stains and look fresh and clean for a new season.

  • Planters: When the weather warms up, you are probably ready to see some bold containers filled with vibrant greenery and flowers that will spill over, and this is where your landscapers can install planters at strategic spots on your property to add color and texture. Multiple planters placed together can create a focal point on your patio, front entry, and at the entrance to walkways. 

  • Fine gardening: Expert attention to your pride-and-joy fine gardens can ensure healthy growth and superior form throughout the seasons.

Related: Planet-Saving Backyard Landscaping for Eco-Conscious Homeowners in Madison and Chatham, NJ, Areas