What Landscaping Companies Near Me Are Saying About Fall Landscaping in the Bernardsville and Madison, NJ, Areas

What Landscaping Companies Near Me Are Saying About Fall Landscaping in the Bernardsville and Madison, NJ, Areas

While it might not seem possible, the cooler weather is on the way, so you may want to turn your attention to the fall landscaping needs of your Bernardsville and Madison, NJ, areas property. These suggestions from landscaping companies near me can help you decide what to add to your yard for the best fall outdoor experience.

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Patios Surrounded by Natural Plants

The concept of merging the indoors with the outdoors doesn’t seem to be going away any time soon. That means patios continue to be a star of the show when it comes to the backyard. If you feel that your patio doesn’t live up to your expectations or suit your style, your landscape professionals can change the size, shape, and surface for a fresh look.

Patios can achieve maximum use when situated near the backdoor of the home. The floor can be natural stone or patio pavers for a durable, long-wearing surface. Natural stone is always gorgeous with its distinct coloring while patio pavers offer a wider variety of color options and textures to customize your outdoor space.

Many homeowners are choosing to plant native plant choices around the patio to experience the fall colors up close. Evergreens ensure the beauty of their dark green coloring is always available, and the lower maintenance requirements of native plants keep the focus on their attractiveness, not concern over their upkeep.

Retaining Walls

Retaining walls are often thought to be primarily for fixing erosion and slope issues in the landscape but many landscapers also use them to define spaces.

For instance, a hand-crafted retaining wall can work to remedy erosion and bring more landscape space in a sloped yard but a wall can work equally well to define the upper front yard from the lower space. When landscape professionals incorporate a retaining wall in this way, you can have a more visually interesting front landscape with changes in elevation and more definition among spaces.

Another way that retaining walls can add function and beauty is when they are added to the patio area. Having your landscapers build a low retaining wall around the perimeter of your patio can increase the privacy you have there when relaxing or entertaining. The wall can also create more seating space and serving space when you need it.

Fine Details in the Landscape

Landscape professionals can be masters at creating landscape vignettes within a landscape bed. Consider an oversize pot turned on its side with tiny flowers growing out of the inside to be nestled right by the front entrance.

You might love the idea of an ornamental tree that achieves bold fall hues that is surrounded at the base with various ferns and landscape rocks for a little woodland beauty. Another amazing idea can be to have seasonal flowers in a rustic rock bordered bed right by the back door. That way every time you step outside, you are greeted with colorful beauty to reflect the season.

The right landscape company can help you bring the beauty to your landscape that dazzles throughout the year and reflects your personal love of specific landscape plants.

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